Mercy For Animals India staged a landmark protest at Kolkata’s Victoria Memorial, drawing attention to the plight of hens raised for food. Volunteers dressed in white and wearing chicken masks sat inside artificial cages, replicating the grim conditions hens face at factory farms.
Large egg cartons displayed the message “Egg-xactly How Cruelty Looks—Say No to Eggs”, while volunteers dressed in black held placards reading “Eggs Mean Suffering: Choose Vegan.”
Millions of these intelligent birds are confined to cramped cages, deprived of sunlight, and prevented from engaging in natural behaviours.
Egg-laying hens often endure painful beak clipping, while broiler chickens suffer from unnaturally rapid growth, leading to crippling leg problems.
The demonstration urged immediate action, inspiring attendees to embrace plant-based alternatives. This simple choice allows individuals to take a stand against animal cruelty, reduce environmental harm, and actively contribute to a kinder and more sustainable future.
This cruelty isn’t just an isolated case; it’s the standard in factory farming. It’s time we question the cost of eggs and meat and understand the suffering behind it. We must stand against these practices, demand freedom for animals, and consider compassionate plant-based options.