Sakshi Malik Speaks Up for Animals in Powerful Mercy For Animals India Campaign

Sakshi Malik, former Olympic wrestler and one of Time magazine’s 100 most influential people of 2024, has teamed up with Mercy For Animals India to raise awareness of the various injustices that animals face. The campaign features Sakshi urging people to “SPEAK UP against injustice”.

Sakshi Malik appears in a Mercy For Animals campaign, urging her fans to speak up against animal cruelty.
Photography by Tatsam Malothra and Manish Sehrawat

“It is as wrong to tolerate injustice as to commit it, whether it is against humans or animals. Animals are living beings who feel pain, fear, and joy just like we do. Every day, millions of animals silently endure cruelty and injustice but are unable to speak up for themselves.” 

—Sakshi Malik, India’s first woman wrestler to win an Olympic medal

#StandWithSakshiMalik and join the movement to end animal cruelty by signing our petition! Signatures will be delivered to Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Minister of Animal Husbandry and Dairying Shri Rajiv Ranjan Singh.

Check out Sakshi’s powerful message to speak up for animals.

Sakshi supports Mercy For Animals India’s appeal for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Amendment) Bill to be introduced and passed in Parliament. Enacted 60 years ago, the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act provides outdated penalties (max Rs. 50) and fails to classify most acts of animal cruelty (like beating or killing) as cognisable offences. This lack of deterrence and enforcement power weakens the Act. 

A FIAPO report reveals that over the past decade, 20,000 deliberate and brutal crimes against animals have occurred in India. This means that on average five stray animals are violently killed each day. The true number could be at least 10 times higher, meaning an average of 50 deaths per day, or two animals senselessly killed every hour. 

Sakshi joins John Abraham and Sonakshi Sinha as brand ambassadors for Mercy For Animals India.